
Oct 13, 2019
No Sleep. Only Questions.
The thoughts keep me up all night, Raising questions I wouldn’t know, I might have for myself or you someday, Answers of which happen to...

May 20, 2019
Long Shot
It takes a long shot, For a Monday to be, This happy, And this sad, At the same time. It takes a long shot, For someone to care, And deny...

Apr 1, 2019
Find the rhyme in my words, When they don’t have a rhyme scheme. Find the music in the lyrics, When they merely have a beat. Find...

Apr 15, 2018
There are situations so simple, Yet so difficult to solve, Some, creation of your own will, and some of your own thoughts, Why then we...

Apr 12, 2018
Wants Of Soul
Between choosing what to do and what not, Between considering all the options laid on the table, Between today, tomorrow and the days...

Apr 11, 2018
What Are We Doing?
What we are doing, Sitting in glass walls, Listening to lectures about values and religion, When we can’t even raise a finger, To prompt...

Oct 6, 2017
How Are You? 2
Today when someone asks me how am I, I don’t know what to answer. I don’t know at that times how I’m actually feeling. Whether what I’m...
Sep 27, 2017
Time seems to have been stopped and moving too quickly these days. Life seems to be going on irrespective of me following it or not, at a...

Sep 3, 2017
The mind is full of clutter, Clutter full of thoughts, It wants to do somethings, Or just bail out. It needs to go to new places, But...

Aug 13, 2017
Mili Second
I don’t know how the mind just paces off so quickly from zero thoughts and feelings per second to thousand thoughts and feelings per mili...

Jul 1, 2017
Too Many Questions
It is said that focus on the controllable and let go of the things which you cannot control. But, do you know how hard it is to let go of...

Jun 29, 2017
I have been told and I know this too that one should be more detached than attached to anyone in the time we are living in. Sometimes it...