
May 27, 2021
Riyaan and Farah
“What is someone like me doing with someone like you? “What are you doing with someone like me?” “Don’t look at me like that, Riyaan!”...

Mar 16, 2021
Hold Her
She walks on the sand, As the sun sets behind her, Creating a silhouette of not just her body but her laughter, That is echoing in the...

Feb 15, 2021
No Words
Even if I select, The finest words, From any language today, Nothing can express, The feeling of helplessness, While someone breaks, And...

Jun 20, 2020
No Longer
I no longer know, The reasons why, I do something, That doesn’t matter anymore, Like thinking about the first time we met, Or the way...

May 24, 2020
You can call me a fool, Laugh on my stupidity, Get annoyed on my idiotic decisions, Be overwhelmed with my overthinking, But believe me...

Jan 3, 2019
03. 01. 2019
I can’t think of one thing that happened today, Which affected me, Maybe because I didn’t get bothered to care about anything, Or maybe...

Aug 7, 2018
Why do I care?
It hurts me to impeccable depths, Things said and unsaid, Tones of voices and shades blue, Why do I care when you don’t do? It hurts me...

Sep 20, 2017
How Are You?
Some people never ask you how you’re doing. They just come to you or just text you about whatever they’re concerned with and vanish into...

Aug 25, 2017
At times I could be a warm person who would even ask a strangers if they’re okay or not when I sense something might not be right. I care...
Jan 8, 2017
I don’t care
Not caring about what you are, I don’t care about what you say. Not caring of what you’re capable of, I don’t care about what you do. Not...
Jul 28, 2016
Care Less.
Caring, according to me is one of the most beautiful words in the English language. Care (verb) means to feel concerned or interested or...