
May 14, 2018
Smiles to Another
With one to other, A smile to another. A question to ask, An answer to seek. A momentary thought, Leading to a conversation brewing. Few...

May 9, 2018
See You
I realised just now what he really meant when he had said see you that day. He meant he would see me while I sit near the bleachers...

May 2, 2018
All Smiles Outside
All smiles it looks from outside, What do you know what’s inside? We can see 2.6 million light years away, How come I can’t see you in...

Apr 20, 2018
prosopagnosia noun · Psychiatry the inability to recognize the faces of familiar people, typically as a result of damage to the brain....

Apr 6, 2018
We Were Ephemeral
If we knew we were ephemeral, We would have probably spoken a little earlier, A little longer, A little more than necessary, Sharing...

Mar 21, 2018
Poetry is something which speaks when all the words don’t justify the way you are feeling. Poetry is something which screams all the...

Mar 19, 2018
Parallel World
In a parallel world, The area between the two worlds doesn’t exist. In the same way, The area between us is unoccupied, By someone,...

Mar 12, 2018
Don’t Look At Him
Don’t look at him. I said, do not look at him. You should not look at him. You must not look at him. This is the last warning, don’t...

Mar 11, 2018
Light Years
All I could do was to stare at the stars, Twinkling some light years away, Wondering why I couldn’t sleep. Silence prevailed, Not that I...

Mar 6, 2018
At one point it became somewhat confusing of what I was actually feeling. It wasn’t the feeling of sadness when you wait for something to...

Mar 2, 2018
It thought I’d let it go, In the air, Up, above, somewhere, Over the oceans, Sand dunes and sun’s glare. But I found it, Right behind me,...

Jan 16, 2018
When I wore grey this morning, My mother asked me why, I just looked at the sky, It was no different than what I wore. The sky being dull...