
Feb 13, 2019
Long Sleepless Nights
Long sleepless nights, Spent looking at the stars miles away from where we are. Long sleepless nights, In search of answers to...

Feb 3, 2019
You, Me, Here
Sometimes, somewhere, like this, In crazy stupid love, Sometimes, hurtful, You, Me, Here. Sometimes, somewhere, like this, In this mad...

Jun 11, 2018
The Black Striped Shirt
The black striped shirt, Stayed in the front of my closet, For a year before I wore it, On the day you said goodbye. The black striped...

Jun 5, 2018
The shadow practice of the square drive, Just when the shadows were slanting in the golden hour, The fresh lemony shaded shirt, Of the...
May 26, 2018
I don’t know why, I feel so high; Up above in the sky, Catching feelings new, Out of blue, With someone who doesn’t pretend, Faking...

May 14, 2018
Smiles to Another
With one to other, A smile to another. A question to ask, An answer to seek. A momentary thought, Leading to a conversation brewing. Few...

Apr 14, 2018
I don’t want to listen to any more stories, There are too many of them in me already, Waiting to whisper, talk or scream, The memories of...

Apr 9, 2018
It’s almost like a late reaction, Of a drug so infamous, To take you to extreme heights, Higher than the highest, Making you feel,...

Mar 3, 2018
To the boy who called me battery in public today, I know that you don’t know this but myopia is a condition in which close objects appear...

Feb 16, 2018
You were like the breath of fresh air filling my lungs when I was choking with the smoke of unhappiness. You were like the drug which a...

Feb 8, 2018
I wanted to drop a curtain, Cut the conversation, Run from the room, Dig a hole and jump in it, Or just make myself invisible, While you...