
Jun 21, 2017
Is it easy?
It is easy to say than to do, don’t over think. It is easy to believe than to accept it. It is easy to say that failures are the stepping...

Jun 20, 2017
It never happens. I keep searching for the missing piece in the puzzle of my life. Oftentimes, I believe that I’ve found the one that...

Jun 19, 2017
Carpe Diem
There are too many places to explore. In my mind and in the world too. Too many ideas to write upon. Too many poems to be rhymed. Too...

Jun 10, 2017
Little BlogsÂ
Each day since last 10 days, I ask myself just before writing my blog, “What if I skip it today? Anyway, I’ve written for a whole year...

Jun 6, 2017
Double Decker Bus
I climb up there, Find an empty seat, Away from the glares of people and sun. Music bursting in my ears, Air ruffling my hair, A good...

Jun 5, 2017
Waking Up
It suddenly feels as if the connection we had is abruptly broken. Just like a dream broken when we wake up. The details of the dream...

May 30, 2017
Spill the Beans
The look would be horrid, Certainly as my mood, If I poured down the cup of coffee, On her pretty book. How I wish I wasn’t there, How I...

May 29, 2017
Like Never Before
As I sit here again, Watching the clouds float again, The wind blowing my hair again, The moon setting again, I feel contentment, Never...

May 28, 2017
World’s Acts
It feels okay, Each morning when, The events of the previous evening seem so unreal. It feels victorious, Each evening when, The past...

May 27, 2017
It’s the little things which let you down, Hurting the littlest parts of your soul, It’s the little things which uplift you too, Flaming...
May 26, 2017
Dew Drops
For if you may say, The dew drops looked pretty, Resting on the the perfectly bloomed petals, Little did anyone know, That the fairy had...
May 22, 2017
Monday Blog
I want to post pone writing this blog right now because I’m too sleepy and tired. But, I cannot do that as I’ve said that I’ll post a...