
Oct 15, 2017
Non-judgemental Happiness
There are somethings which make you so intensely happy and there would be no one to understand your level of happiness. People will...

Oct 2, 2017
Gut Feeling
I believe in my instincts and follow my gut feeling almost every time; which often times is correct. The feeling after following your gut...

Sep 29, 2017
Writer’s Block & Friday
It is hard to believe that this week flew away like a feather flies when a strong breeze blows. The time seems like a phenomenon which is...
Sep 27, 2017
Time seems to have been stopped and moving too quickly these days. Life seems to be going on irrespective of me following it or not, at a...

Sep 7, 2017
I feel so much that it hurts. It’s hurts to feel so much. Similar sentences yet different connotations, depth and sadness buried in them....

Sep 6, 2017
Everything is more connected with us in a much stronger way than we believe. At times you might not even know about the connection until...

Sep 2, 2017
Miracles are something which take time to occur and my life has been going too fast for any miracle to happen. But, they occur often...

Aug 28, 2017
All you feel at times is alone despite being surrounded by so many inspiring and motivational people. All you want to do sometimes is be...

Aug 25, 2017
At times I could be a warm person who would even ask a strangers if they’re okay or not when I sense something might not be right. I care...

Aug 23, 2017
She wears her heart on her sleeve, Giving it to strangers helplessly, She is obsessed with the idea of being in love, Dreaming of living...

Aug 20, 2017
If the freedom fighters never initiated the rebellion for the freedom, we would still be getting ruled by some viceroy. #writing...

Aug 17, 2017
…because women often forget that they can sustain without anyone in their life. Though, they’re stupid enough to think that they need...