
Feb 17, 2018
Deal Done
I’m done dealing with people who don’t have guts to agree to disagree. I’m done dealing with people who have too much of ego filled in...

Feb 16, 2018
You were like the breath of fresh air filling my lungs when I was choking with the smoke of unhappiness. You were like the drug which a...

Jan 15, 2018
Back but Ahead
I think about what you said, Back but ahead, I wonder what it means, What answers it screams. These are signs I know, Which the universe...

Jan 9, 2018
Kind Stare
I’ve written poems, Too many maybe, Or too less, I cannot decide, For people who don’t know me, Or lesser they care. I wonder if they...

Jan 6, 2018
There’s only one time that something can happen for the first time. If that first time is screwed up by any external circumstances which...

Jan 2, 2018
Because I haven’t got answers to questions I’ve asked, I stumble to ask you many things. Because I’m anxious to even sit still in from of...
Dec 29, 2017
Have you ever felt stuck in one place while others keep on moving around you freely? You’re like that one stone on the road which...

Dec 21, 2017
Life This Year
When you sit back to contemplate the life you lived this year, don’t forget to count all the times when you wanted to give up badly but...

Nov 6, 2017
Peaceful People
The people who don’t hesitate to say some of the most important details to you are the ones you should keep close to your heart. These...

Nov 4, 2017
The way you react makes a massive difference in any situation. If you want to go all guns blazing then load up the riffle and just...

Oct 26, 2017
zhoooop.. The train on the opposite sides passes like a bolt of lightning and waking me up from the train of my own thoughts at the end...

Oct 19, 2017
World’s Apart
That almost stunned me, the person sitting on the bench looking at the sun set in the ocean. The thing which stunned me was not the...