
Aug 17, 2020
Dolphins In The City
It was all over the news, The big wave, On its way in the city, Creating a path of its own, Going with the flow, Quite literally. It was...

Aug 16, 2020
Midnight Boredom
I lay awake bored, In the middle of the night, Having conversations, Leading no where. Searching for a song, That could justify the...

Aug 15, 2020
Not Right
There was this feeling, In the pit of my stomach last night, Something like a fear, Something like a bad vibe, Something is wrong,...

Aug 14, 2020
Rain At 3 AM
I lay awake staring at the ceiling at 3 in the morning, Listening to the rain slapping at the window, The wind howling to enter the room,...

Aug 13, 2020
Right Person
With the right person, The time comes to a standstill, The universe seems at peace, And the heart feels at home, Even in the strangest of...

Aug 12, 2020
Not A Rom-Com
Life looked like a rom-com movie today, Where the whole world is drenching in rain, And the sun is shining only on me, As I dance my way...

Aug 11, 2020
I long for you like the earth longs for rain, After months of dryness. I long for you like the shore longs for waves, After each wave...

Aug 10, 2020
Butterfly Dreams
If you see me zoned out, On a Monday morning, Smiling to myself, And humming a love song, Then I must definitely be day-dreaming, About...

Aug 9, 2020
Letters To The Future
I’ve written letters to my future self, To tell her how much a certain day, A certain someone mattered to me, In that moment how...

Aug 8, 2020
In Motion
Everything is a result of, An action set in motion, Leading one thing, To infinite other things, Creating this never-ending, Domino...

Aug 7, 2020
It’s been 5 months, Since my room smelled like you, A little like your aftershave, A little like your perfume. So, now when you walk back...

Aug 5, 2020
On A Busy Day
On a busy day, I remember conversations, In the middle of the client meeting, Exactly word to word, As it happened on an afternoon in...