
Jul 27, 2018
Falling & Flying
We fall because we expect someone to hold us. We fall because we are tired of standing up for ourselves alone. We fall because we want to...

Jul 24, 2018
Time of Tuesday
How do we know whether the time goes slow or fast? How do we know that the time is actually correct? How do we know that the time is...

Jul 23, 2018
Stuck on a Name
Time and time again, I come across your name, Written on building walls, Or on books they pray. The tip of my tongue, Itches to say it...

Jul 2, 2018
The Untold Wait
You haven’t told me to wait, But I’m waiting for you. You haven’t told me you’re going to come back, But I know you will. You haven’t...

Jun 16, 2018
There have not been a single day in the last 365 that has not been spent in remembering you. Why, I ask? What is the point of remembering...

Jun 8, 2018
Away Enough
You can’t get away, Even if you want to, From this grainy, Blurred world. I just wish for sunsets, From beaches and hills, Nothing...

Jun 1, 2018
Reminiscing the Times
Never had I ever thought that this place would exist, In times when I couldn’t form a proper sentence without fringing, In times when...
May 26, 2018
I don’t know why, I feel so high; Up above in the sky, Catching feelings new, Out of blue, With someone who doesn’t pretend, Faking...

May 21, 2018
Chair and the Scenery
I sit on my old chair today, By the window, Looking at the city lights, Shining so bright that my eyes hurt looking at them. I like the...

Apr 14, 2018
I don’t want to listen to any more stories, There are too many of them in me already, Waiting to whisper, talk or scream, The memories of...

Apr 9, 2018
It’s almost like a late reaction, Of a drug so infamous, To take you to extreme heights, Higher than the highest, Making you feel,...

Apr 2, 2018
I wake up with sudden white light on my face. Shielding my sleep filled, groggy eyes with my left hand, I try to cover my head with the...