
May 29, 2021
Kabir and Samaira
“How do you know what I want?” “I like to believe that I know you.” “Do you? Know me?” “I know that you don’t like aisle seats on planes,...

Mar 14, 2020
Not Often
I don’t think about you often, But, I do think about your smile, When you first saw me, Warm and vulnerable, On that cold morning. I...

Feb 7, 2020
The smiles are reserved, For smiles of you, As you smile at me, While I smile at you, From across the room, As if they have a language...

May 1, 2019
It’s Not Working Out
It’s not working out. The dreams. The hopes. The wishes. The poems. The photographs. The sunsets. The clouds. The books. The songs. The...

Apr 21, 2019
Significant Dates
How we never know that one date from the calender can become so significant in our lives. Today it could be just a normal day, where life...

Nov 24, 2018
Promises You Kept
You made lots of promises to me. Promises which you kept. All of them. Only if you could break just one of them. Just one. You promised...

Aug 3, 2018
Love is More
They spoke but no one other than them knew what. They probably would have been cracking up insanely on how we block noises with the noise...

Jul 26, 2018
Evenings and Days
There’s nothing one can do, If you are tired of being you, Waiting in the evenings, For the stars to shine and blink. The songs by your...

Mar 19, 2018
Parallel World
In a parallel world, The area between the two worlds doesn’t exist. In the same way, The area between us is unoccupied, By someone,...

Mar 6, 2018
At one point it became somewhat confusing of what I was actually feeling. It wasn’t the feeling of sadness when you wait for something to...

Jan 11, 2018
The beats, The rhythm, The boost, The rhyme, The steps, The hops, The smiles, The heart, Synchronized, To either create a disaster, Or...

Jan 8, 2018
Safe Haven
Then I looked at you, Standing amidst the crowd, In the heavy downpour, Drenching wet to the bone, And people running across from you,...