
Nov 18, 2018
When peace seems away, Why you can’t say, Only thing you can do is, Breathe. When the heart beats too fast, Without thinking of the past,...

Aug 19, 2018
My Blue Blanket
My favourite blanket is blue is colour. The colour which most people might associate with anxiety. It has fishes on it. Some might feel...

Mar 8, 2018
What You Are?
What you are if you’re not who you are while you stand in front of the mirror, unappreciated of what you see, look or feel. What you are...

Jan 29, 2018
Rare Comet
I stomp my feet, Up eighty stairs, Blood under my veins, Flaring like the volcanic air, Tensed, Unsettled, Anxious, I wonder about what...

Dec 27, 2017
Internet Blackout
How would you feel if you didn’t have any access to see what people did in their lives? You couldn’t check the snaps they sent you or...

Dec 7, 2017
She stand by the basin mirror, Looking at my morning face; Small, bare, wheat-ish toned. The veins on the side of my forehead, Glow with...

Oct 20, 2017
I don’t know from where it comes to dwell in the pit of my gut, wanting to rule me every day, every hour. But, it doesn’t know that...

Oct 8, 2017
The beep beep beep noise of the rickshaw turning blasts in my ears along with the honking of the various vehicles on the road. It sounds...

Oct 7, 2017
Anxiousness at Safe Haven
You don’t only feel anxious when you’re in a public place among strangers and wanting to go back to your safe haven. You can also feel...

Sep 26, 2017
There are stars in me, twinkling, shining, burning in a rhythmic way, making me feel alive, giving me the boost and confidence to keep on...