
Jan 9, 2021
I’m at unease, Because of all the thoughts, That don’t leave, This mind alone. I question everything, About last night, And the foggy...

Aug 27, 2020
Little does the world know, How fast the thoughts stream in her mind, Like a timelapse of the stormy ocean, With waves of anxious...

Jul 12, 2020
Time, Please!
How I wish today could stop, For maybe just a minute, To give me a breather, From all that’s happening lately, To settle down, The...

Mar 20, 2020
It’ll Be Okay
A lot of you might be hurting now, From all that is going around you, I’ve been hurting too, For reasons I can’t tell you, But, all this...

Nov 2, 2019
Is All
I couldn’t hear a word being spoken, As I stared at the setting sun, Until they shook me out of my thoughts, Quite literally. I kept...

Aug 24, 2019
Incoming Chaos
It feels like chaos, Or it is really, Everything that is happening, Out of my head? The noise seems blending, With the thoughts lately,...

Jun 11, 2019
A Year
A year changes so much in you. A year ago today, I didn’t know where my life would lead me to. I didn’t know how much worse it could turn...

Mar 26, 2019
The air carried nervousness, So much that it tickled my skin. All the cells running in my blood, Could have sensed it too, As they...

Feb 15, 2019
Just like that, You feel okay, When you wake up one morning. The light through the window, Doesn’t bother you, But, makes you smile....

Feb 14, 2019
5 days
It’s been 5 days I’ve been feeling this. The emptiness within me. It’s been 5 long days, Yet, I don’t know why. It’s been 5 hard days,...

Feb 11, 2019
Lighting up the world and how! Smiling through the chaos much wow, Sailing through thousands of thoughts somehow. It feels as if the...

Nov 20, 2018
Like The Waves
It comes like the waves on the shore, Non-oscillatory but at regular intervals, Bringing particles of fear along, Of what, it doesn’t...