
Jun 22, 2018
With the fakest of the fake smiles, And the most grumpy face, I wonder how you act like, You hate every surface. With no patience at all,...

Jun 16, 2018
There have not been a single day in the last 365 that has not been spent in remembering you. Why, I ask? What is the point of remembering...

Jun 11, 2018
The Black Striped Shirt
The black striped shirt, Stayed in the front of my closet, For a year before I wore it, On the day you said goodbye. The black striped...

Jun 8, 2018
Away Enough
You can’t get away, Even if you want to, From this grainy, Blurred world. I just wish for sunsets, From beaches and hills, Nothing...

Jun 7, 2018
Hold On
I hold on to people, Even though they leave. I hold on to memories, Even though they hurt. I hold on to feelings, Because I can’t let go....

May 3, 2018
I’m done being misunderstood. I’m done being mocked. I’m done being misheard. Or not being heard at all. The voice now is rusted, With...

Feb 28, 2018
You sit in that stance, So comfortable in your skin, Like there’s nothing you’ve to worry about; I look at you, Blood tickling under my...

Jan 28, 2018
I’ve taken your name so many times that it has become a ritual you follow to impress Gods. Albeit, Gods can be impressed, not you. —...

Jan 27, 2018
Certain Saturday
On a certain Saturday, Few years from now, I hope to not sit alone, While writing something nonsensical, Watching IPL auctions on TV,...

Jan 21, 2018
Now I Don’t Know
For I don’t know now, Whom to trust, The ones who have always been here, Or the ones who are promising to stay when everyone leaves....

Jan 10, 2018
The time seems indifferent, From what I know it was, Certain minutes missing, Certainly a few paused. The shadows play the memories,...

Jan 9, 2018
Kind Stare
I’ve written poems, Too many maybe, Or too less, I cannot decide, For people who don’t know me, Or lesser they care. I wonder if they...