
Nov 30, 2019
Iridescent / Irrational
She burns with desire, To do more than she does, To write words more than she believes, To create more than she thinks she can, To live a...

Nov 2, 2019
Is All
I couldn’t hear a word being spoken, As I stared at the setting sun, Until they shook me out of my thoughts, Quite literally. I kept...

Aug 25, 2019
So Fondly
There are some things, You can’t let go, Like the warm embrace, On a cold winter morning; Amongst the rustling dry leaves, And a little...

Jul 15, 2019
Long Way Together
Give me your shoulders to hold on to, As the unannounced storm hits us, Let me soak in the fragrance of your shampoo, As your hair blows...

Nov 10, 2018
People Have Stopped Reading My Poems
I guess people are scared, To read what I write about them. That’s why when they know me, They stop reading the poems. They’re scared to...

Nov 2, 2018
Vague Wondering
You’re in the middle of some important work while listening to songs which shouldn’t remind you of him. At least, not in the middle of...

Oct 30, 2018
North Star
While you read my poems, But never show, How bad they are, But you love the flow, Of the words daily, Unstoppable so far, Like sunsets on...

Aug 2, 2018
Baader Meinhof Phenomenon
The name of the local band, Whose song is stuck in your head, Pops up unknowingly at random places. Information about the place you’re...

Jul 27, 2018
Falling & Flying
We fall because we expect someone to hold us. We fall because we are tired of standing up for ourselves alone. We fall because we want to...

Jul 26, 2018
Evenings and Days
There’s nothing one can do, If you are tired of being you, Waiting in the evenings, For the stars to shine and blink. The songs by your...

Jul 1, 2018
25 months
After 25 months of writing here, this place seems to hold more secrets than expected. There have been moments when I thought of just...

Jun 24, 2018
I stand on my toes, Stretching up high, Hands reaching out, Towards the sky. Hoping to catch, A little hope flying by, Or some magic,...