
Aug 1, 2019
Hi August
How, you bring hope, Of better days, And pretty nights, Of easier conversations, And lovely skies, How, you shatter them, With gloomy...

Jul 31, 2019
You make me do, Something I don’t want to, Hurting me everyday, For something I never intended to do. Why then it makes me feel so bad,...

Jul 30, 2019
Backspacing, Every rhyme, Every verse, Every stanza, Every poem, To backspace, Every thought, Every emotion, Every feeling, Ever felt....

Jul 29, 2019
Somewhat Magical
It’s somewhat liberating, The air under the open night sky, It’s somewhat binding, How the sky holds it all. It’s somewhat pretty, All...

Jul 28, 2019
Us, At Ease
The rain now is not as angry as you are, The thunder silently rumbling far away, The darkness of the sky remains, Spreading the night...

Jul 26, 2019
An Ode To 26/7
As if the city is remembering, It’s old wounds, When she was drowning, With hope, love, dreams, And everything else. As if the city wants...

Jul 25, 2019
Familiar Face
I stand there, Listening to the guitar strings, Strumming in my ears, And mellow lyrics, Creating an atmosphere. I look around, And see...

Jul 24, 2019
Leading Diameters
The circles seem never ending, The ones I create, The ones that create me, In this life, Which is forever testing me, Asking questions,...

Jul 23, 2019
Au Courant
Today we dream, breathe, think, laugh, smile, hope, care, frown, retaliate, fight, wish, run, chase something that might not matter so...

Jul 22, 2019
Moment With Might
I smiled today until my cheeks hurt, I laughed until tears came off my eyes, My stomach hurt from laughing too much, How could I let it...

Jul 21, 2019
How Do I Write Songs?
I wonder how all the song writers, Come up with words so magical; Do they sit in a dark room all day, Sipping on black coffee, High on...

Jul 20, 2019
With One Wind
I’ve seen the clear sky, Turn overcast in seconds, Just like I’ve seen care, Turn into anger, And protectiveness, Turn to possessiveness,...