
Nov 30, 2020
Forward and Back
I’ve been moving, One step forward, And two steps back All the time this year. And on most of the days, I tell myself, I’m growing a...

Apr 10, 2019
The Perfect Morning
As the morning light shines from window, Making my white curtains look aureate, As the light breeze ruffles them, Bringing in the fresh...

Sep 17, 2018
Magical Monday
There is this warmth in the air, Which reminds me of you. A glare in the sun, Illuminating every hue. The musical roads, Making monday...

Aug 13, 2018
Mondays Aren’t Bad
Mondays aren’t bad when you have to struggle through a crowded train to reach office. Mondays aren’t bad when you have to stand in a...

Apr 16, 2018
Monday Rhymes
Something in me, Urges me to get up, Or maybe it was the alarm, Something in the morning light glitters, Probably the sun’s charm....

Apr 4, 2018
A New Day
Today demands for another day apart from the regular days of the week. I don’t even want a Saturday or a Sunday which can act like a...

Feb 26, 2018
Good Monday Morning
A certain Monday morning, A good one, Can you believe? A good Monday morning, It’s not hard to believe, If you see cheerful smiles...

Feb 12, 2018
Out of The Blue (Not)
If I were to remember today, which I won’t probably, then I would remember it as the most normal day ever. Nothing, I repeat, nothing...

Nov 27, 2017
Monday-Like People
I’ve created this thing called, Monday-like people where I describe (read sarcastically insult) people by comparing them with various...

Oct 30, 2017
Mornings like these
I like how the season changes from hot mornings with barely no clouds in the sky to cool mornings and the skies overcast. The feeling to...