
Jan 8, 2021
Eerie Silence
The eerie silence of the night, Echoes with the rain light, As if there’s something, Waiting to happen. The meows then that follows,...

Jun 13, 2020
Thoughtless Saturday
Overcast sky, Smell of new books, Harry Potter’s opening theme playing, As I cuddle with you. With a perfect cup of chai, Under my...

Aug 3, 2019
Disappearing Spell
Teach me a magical spell or two, To disappear from this world of blue, Skies and situations, Feelings and humans. Where appearance is as...

May 10, 2018
Harry Potter Reference
Only if I had to do the assignments on parchment papers and write paragraphs measured in centimetres, life would have been a lot less...

Jan 24, 2018
That Someone
Do you miss someone so bad that you see them every where you look? Someone at the station waiting for the train to come, dressed up in...

Jan 17, 2018
17th January, 2018
It’s been a day in which all my energy, hope and willingness was being sucked from me just like the dementors sucked the soul out of a...

Apr 6, 2017
Satire: Interesting ExamsÂ
How everything else seems to be so interesting when you’ve to finally start studying for your exams! Watching a blank page flutter in the...

Feb 27, 2017
9 ¾
​I guess I’m on the wrong platform, I should be on the 9 ¾. The train to my dreams might be leaving, For the magical school thereafter. I...
Jul 25, 2016
Just a good day.
I’d thought that I might be seeing everyone with their phones today while travelling in the train today, but to my surprise, people were...