
Aug 20, 2020
There’s nothing to hold on to, As I drown in the stormy waves, Miles and miles away from the shore, Where no one can listen to my cries....

Aug 19, 2020
The Writer
Does the writer ever gets written about, Her eyes, Her smile, Her laughter? Does the writer ever get mentioned, In someone’s story, In...

Aug 18, 2020
On some days, It is really too hard to say, All the words that I want to, Which is why they remain unsaid, Defeated in the bottom of my...

Aug 18, 2020
How I Wish
How I wish to tell you, All the things that happened in the day, Even if it was as boring, As seeing the clouds float by in the sky. How...

Aug 17, 2020
Dolphins In The City
It was all over the news, The big wave, On its way in the city, Creating a path of its own, Going with the flow, Quite literally. It was...

Aug 16, 2020
Midnight Boredom
I lay awake bored, In the middle of the night, Having conversations, Leading no where. Searching for a song, That could justify the...

Aug 15, 2020
Not Right
There was this feeling, In the pit of my stomach last night, Something like a fear, Something like a bad vibe, Something is wrong,...

Aug 14, 2020
Rain At 3 AM
I lay awake staring at the ceiling at 3 in the morning, Listening to the rain slapping at the window, The wind howling to enter the room,...

Aug 13, 2020
Right Person
With the right person, The time comes to a standstill, The universe seems at peace, And the heart feels at home, Even in the strangest of...

Aug 12, 2020
Not A Rom-Com
Life looked like a rom-com movie today, Where the whole world is drenching in rain, And the sun is shining only on me, As I dance my way...

Aug 11, 2020
I long for you like the earth longs for rain, After months of dryness. I long for you like the shore longs for waves, After each wave...

Aug 10, 2020
Butterfly Dreams
If you see me zoned out, On a Monday morning, Smiling to myself, And humming a love song, Then I must definitely be day-dreaming, About...