
Nov 24, 2017
Who said continuous criticism would make people do better work and not demotivate them from what they are already doing? Who said...

Nov 22, 2017
Do You Feel?
Do you feel lost amongst the lanes you know and the roads you take everyday, because I do. Do you feel out of place while doing things...

Nov 20, 2017
Don’t assume to be a sweet, innocent, calm, humorless girl; I’m very well equipped to be angry, evil, unpredictable and full of sarcastic...

Nov 19, 2017
You won’t know how tough it is hold all the messed up emotions inside you. You won’t know how hard it is express them to let go. You...

Nov 14, 2017
Another Lifetime
The pink tint of the sky, Reminds me of the time we spent by, The lake of water lilies and swans, And walking by the rose lawns. How i...

Nov 13, 2017
Suddenly, it becomes about them. Their experience, their story, their logic, their belief, their command, their action, their time, their...

Nov 12, 2017
Today I’ll blame another poet like me for writing all the songs we heard together. I’ll blame him for penning down the magical moments we...

Nov 11, 2017
You’ll be questioned for any decision you take by people who judge your fathomable righteousness. You’ll be questioned for your logic by...

Nov 9, 2017
Sit across me and smile lovingly enough to make my cheeks go red. Sir across me and listen to the story of my silence. Sit across me in...

Nov 8, 2017
Holding Grudges
I’ll remember what you had said few years back about my choices and how I’ll fail. I’ll remember how you made fun of me behind my back...

Nov 5, 2017
Analyzing a little too deep helps. Helps to keep the light, always ready to fly mind keep itself firm on the ground and not dive into...

Nov 4, 2017
The way you react makes a massive difference in any situation. If you want to go all guns blazing then load up the riffle and just...