
Jan 21, 2018
Now I Don’t Know
For I don’t know now, Whom to trust, The ones who have always been here, Or the ones who are promising to stay when everyone leaves....

Jan 20, 2018
Hearts Apart
Small things often take maximum space in my heart, Not allowing me to make space for something else more important, The question why is...

Jan 19, 2018
Have you felt the curtain drop, Right in front of a person someday? All you could see them now, Is in a different light all day. The...

Jan 11, 2018
The beats, The rhythm, The boost, The rhyme, The steps, The hops, The smiles, The heart, Synchronized, To either create a disaster, Or...

Jan 9, 2018
Kind Stare
I’ve written poems, Too many maybe, Or too less, I cannot decide, For people who don’t know me, Or lesser they care. I wonder if they...

Dec 30, 2017
This Day, That Year
This day, that year was so high on emotions, feelings and heart break on so many different levels. This day, that year made me realize...

Dec 25, 2017
Today’s Tale
Few people just shun the kindness you offer them. There was a lady in train today whose 3 year old daughter was sleeping in her arms...

Dec 22, 2017
The Unique You
Don’t feel ashamed of yourself if you don’t like something which everyone in the world loves. There are 7 billion people in the world and...

Dec 5, 2017
Synchrony or not?
Have you ever met a person and then saw a similar looking, younger version of them on the television and thought, well, damn! Will you...

Dec 3, 2017
It All Comes Back
You don’t realize, Do you? That it all comes back to me, Even if you don’t want it to. Or do you even know that, It comes back to me,...

Nov 27, 2017
Monday-Like People
I’ve created this thing called, Monday-like people where I describe (read sarcastically insult) people by comparing them with various...

Nov 25, 2017
“Let’s just be lazy today and give the body and mind some rest,” says the heart. “That’s a great idea. Oh, and can we do some day...