
Apr 15, 2018
There are situations so simple, Yet so difficult to solve, Some, creation of your own will, and some of your own thoughts, Why then we...

Apr 12, 2018
Wants Of Soul
Between choosing what to do and what not, Between considering all the options laid on the table, Between today, tomorrow and the days...
Apr 10, 2018
Insatiable Void
There are hundreds of tiny fragments floating in the day leading me back to what you used to say. When do you have holidays? Are you...

Apr 6, 2018
We Were Ephemeral
If we knew we were ephemeral, We would have probably spoken a little earlier, A little longer, A little more than necessary, Sharing...
Apr 5, 2018
Was today so bad that I cannot think of a single thing to write on? To rhyme on? To rant on? To smile on? It wasn’t. Then, why is that it...

Apr 3, 2018
Negative < Positive
I wish I could just lie in my bed and stare at the sky just before the sun rose, thinking about all the things I loved rather than...

Apr 1, 2018
The First
The first time I heard your name I knew I was going to have trouble to forget it no matter what. I kept on saying it again and again in...
Mar 30, 2018
The Writing Streak
I just wish sometimes to just end the writing streak, Send the chain of six hundred and fifty plus blogs in a black hole, Not write a...

Mar 26, 2018
Fifteen days of phases, Then you disappear, For a day, Making sky so lonely, Almost a repelling fear. In a parallel world, Fifteen days...

Mar 25, 2018
There won’t be a limit for the sunsets I would want to watch in my life because each sunset is a the proof of a successful rotation of...

Mar 23, 2018
Hopeful Morning
Then comes a morning with literal sunshine and hope, Making your forget all the ones not so hopeful, Sprinkles magic here and there,...

Mar 21, 2018
Poetry is something which speaks when all the words don’t justify the way you are feeling. Poetry is something which screams all the...