
Aug 7, 2018
Why do I care?
It hurts me to impeccable depths, Things said and unsaid, Tones of voices and shades blue, Why do I care when you don’t do? It hurts me...

Aug 3, 2018
Love is More
They spoke but no one other than them knew what. They probably would have been cracking up insanely on how we block noises with the noise...

Jul 28, 2018
Algorithm Of The Universe
The algorithm between the universe and me, Seems broken. Because it shows me sings of you and me, Somehow together. You favourite song...

Jul 27, 2018
Falling & Flying
We fall because we expect someone to hold us. We fall because we are tired of standing up for ourselves alone. We fall because we want to...

Jul 26, 2018
Evenings and Days
There’s nothing one can do, If you are tired of being you, Waiting in the evenings, For the stars to shine and blink. The songs by your...

Jul 6, 2018
Our Unread Conversations
I never read our conversations again. Not even on the worst of my sleepless nights when I missed you and hoped that you were around. I...

Jul 5, 2018
Out of a Book
A loud sound waking her up, A flash by the window a second later, A shadow appearing then, This is not a story out of a book. The window...

Jul 2, 2018
The Untold Wait
You haven’t told me to wait, But I’m waiting for you. You haven’t told me you’re going to come back, But I know you will. You haven’t...

Jul 1, 2018
25 months
After 25 months of writing here, this place seems to hold more secrets than expected. There have been moments when I thought of just...

Jun 30, 2018
All I’d asked for was for you to stay until the sun sets, All you could do was fly away. While you flirted with the wind, Laughed with...

Jun 27, 2018
All Alive
Hiding behind the clouds, The moon casts a silver line, The breeze cutting through, Makes it all alive. Clouds covering the shiny white...

Jun 24, 2018
I stand on my toes, Stretching up high, Hands reaching out, Towards the sky. Hoping to catch, A little hope flying by, Or some magic,...