
Sep 29, 2018
Heights Of Sky
Asmaa mein aag hai, Unchaai choone ki abhi, Koi usse bata do, Usse uncha koi hai nahi. ~~~ The sky has fire, To reach heights now,...

Sep 28, 2018
Unwritten Letters
The letters I want to write remain unwritten. Unknown to the words my poetries rhyme. Unaware of the memories my camera captures. Untold...

Sep 27, 2018
Colors of the Sky.
The sky changed shades so quickly that it felt like some was using a colour picker and making an art piece to be sold in a local gallery....

Sep 23, 2018
The minutes tick by, Like the hours of the day, Not a single second, Of relief seems my way. sick sunday. #writing #writer #getwellsoon...

Sep 21, 2018
We all long for that one moment when all the stars are aligned in the most perfect pattern, all the wishes ready to be fulfilled, all the...

Sep 20, 2018
The Better Way – 2
She looks at me as if she can read the million thoughts running in my mind and it’s frightening because I don’t want her to know how much...

Sep 18, 2018
Now and Then
Every now and then, I carry this weight on me, Heavier than the last time, Lighter, it makes me feel And everytime, It comes back, With...

Sep 17, 2018
Magical Monday
There is this warmth in the air, Which reminds me of you. A glare in the sun, Illuminating every hue. The musical roads, Making monday...

Sep 15, 2018
More Than Words
Some evenings are more than sunsets. Some people are more than the souls. Some places are more than memorable. Some jokes are more than...

Sep 12, 2018
The Smiling Affair
..and the smile he had, With the little finger attached, Singing a song or two, And rhyming sentences few, Making my face hot, With...

Sep 8, 2018
You’ve a connection with someone when you know that they are not at their best. You’ve a connection with someone when you know that...

Sep 7, 2018
Painful Optimism
Staying optimistic all the time is painful. The optimistic keeps hoping for something good to happen; in that hopefulness of something...