
Oct 17, 2018
Fickle Heads
They’ll judge you for the attention you receive, They’ll blame you for not getting any too, They’ll make your anger look like fear,...

Aug 25, 2018
Khumari ek nayi si hai, Afeem ki amli jaise, Tishnagi ye bujhti nahi, Pyaas pyaar ki bujhaye kaise? #writing #writer #blogger #blogging...

Aug 15, 2018
Kehne ko toh yaar hai, Bas zindagi hi kasurwaar hai. Meethi baatein hazaar hai, Kadwe toh bas ishtehaar hai. Yaadein toh gulzaar hai,...

Aug 7, 2018
Why do I care?
It hurts me to impeccable depths, Things said and unsaid, Tones of voices and shades blue, Why do I care when you don’t do? It hurts me...

Aug 2, 2018
Baader Meinhof Phenomenon
The name of the local band, Whose song is stuck in your head, Pops up unknowingly at random places. Information about the place you’re...

Jul 27, 2018
Falling & Flying
We fall because we expect someone to hold us. We fall because we are tired of standing up for ourselves alone. We fall because we want to...

Jul 26, 2018
Evenings and Days
There’s nothing one can do, If you are tired of being you, Waiting in the evenings, For the stars to shine and blink. The songs by your...

Jul 25, 2018
Library of Thoughts
One thing leading to the other, Like a chain reaction of thoughts, How in the world could be, So many zillion thoughts? Each thought...

Jul 20, 2018
Pain in the chest, Right in the middle, Reports all normal, Then why does it hurt so much? Maybe because it has an empty space, To fill...