
Jul 21, 2018
Fries Before Guys
Cheese and sauce, His loss. Fries and poppers, Girl hoppers. If pizza is bae, You don’t know how to slay. Cheese and sauce, His loss....

Jul 20, 2018
Pain in the chest, Right in the middle, Reports all normal, Then why does it hurt so much? Maybe because it has an empty space, To fill...

Jul 1, 2018
25 months
After 25 months of writing here, this place seems to hold more secrets than expected. There have been moments when I thought of just...

Jun 7, 2018
Hold On
I hold on to people, Even though they leave. I hold on to memories, Even though they hurt. I hold on to feelings, Because I can’t let go....

Jun 1, 2018
Reminiscing the Times
Never had I ever thought that this place would exist, In times when I couldn’t form a proper sentence without fringing, In times when...