
Sep 6, 2023
So Tired
The armour has been poked and stabbed a lot now, So much so that my skin is directly visible to attack, And I've stopped standing up...

Sep 5, 2023
Leaving Anyway
I've found solace with words, But they seem to be abandoning me lately, And I am not feeling as bad as before, Maybe because I've been...

Sep 4, 2023
Big Emotions
The big emotions are back today, Bringing back unhealed situations, With the same old coping mechanisms, But this time I know, What is...

Sep 3, 2023
Teri Tasveerein
Zamaana ab chitthiyon wala hai nahi, Na hi tune koi chitthi mujhe likhi hai, Na tune teri tasveer mujhe bheji, Par teri tasveer maine...

Sep 2, 2023
Stung By A Bee
The poison enters the skin, With a pointed sting, Even if it didn't last long, It was an invasion unwelcomed. So, the rush under the...

Sep 1, 2023
A Day Like Today
A day like today, Is definitely written in the stars, With ink everlasting, Until the end of time. A day like today, Is certainly one of...