
Nov 18, 2022
I Wish You Were Here
I wish you were here, A five word story, That comepletes the evening of mine, I wish you were here, Sitting by my side, Telling me to...

Nov 17, 2022
Not Without A Fight
I am not going down without a fight, So, I'll spill every ounce of courage I have, And use every bit of hope, But not give up until...

Nov 16, 2022
Some Mornings
On some mornings, It will feel like midnight, Darkness even in the warm light of November, Quietness even in the morning noises of the...

Nov 15, 2022
I am a silhouette of broken dreams, A story half-written, A poem whose rhythm is messed up, An eclipse in shadow, The dark night without...

Nov 14, 2022
I don't want to sound depressed, But nothing feels good, okay? Nothing feels right, Nothing feels like it's meant for me, Nothing feels...

Nov 13, 2022
Would Be Nice
It would be really nice, If I was wrapped, In your arms, And you just held me, For a minute or an eternity, Simply without any questions,...

Nov 12, 2022
Life To Be Lived
There is a life, To be lived, In this waiting phase, Where you don't feel like you're moving, Or you've reached your destination, So,...

Nov 11, 2022
Plenty / Empty
Sure, I do, Have questions plenty, That I have, Asked to hearts empty, Trying to fill wounds, With hope scanty. Sure, I did, Have...

Nov 10, 2022
Numb And Normal
I have lost enough, And too much, Taking on the hurt, Talking about healing, That on some days, It doesn't feel sad anymore, Just numb...

Nov 9, 2022
Between Obviously And Maybe
Obviously. You are obviously going to hurt me, But, let's not go there yet. Maybe. Maybe it'll not happen, It'll be different this time,...

Nov 8, 2022
Cease | Fire
With quiet mornings, Filled with the fight left over from last night, Almost raging the moment the eyes open, To stay stronger than ever...

Nov 7, 2022
Now I Want To Know How?
It took me a while, But I have reached here, With questions I asked myself for months, And the pain I carried from a wound, That only got...