
Jul 7, 2022
Distant Memories
It seems rather distant, This day of last year, For I've lived, Every minute of everyday, Contemplating some thing, Or the other. Raising...

Jul 6, 2022
Lego World
I remember the eight year old me, Sitting with legos, And building homes and stories, That my lego people would be living. I never...

Jul 5, 2022
It's not a one day thing, That feeling of striving, To achieve the level of peace, That you want to feel, Which is why, Sometimes it...

Jul 4, 2022
Natural Calamity
I like when I'm indoors, And it rains heavily, So much that it seems, Like night even if it's four, In the evening, And the sound of the...

Jul 3, 2022
Where I Was
Over these years, As I've tried closing off the distances, And I've only went further, From where I was. In terms of places, And people I...

Jul 2, 2022
Three Rainbows
Then on somedays, the sky is still gloomy, but there are not one but three rainbows waiting for you to be mesmerized. Holding up all the...

Jul 1, 2022
Shallow Breaths
These shallow breaths, Make me feel, Like I'm losing out, These moments, Where I'm not even, Breathing to my potential, Then how am I,...