
Dec 19, 2021
About This And That
It's about that message I didn't send you at 1:29 am last night. It's about that feeling that makes you feel like you're the only two...

Dec 18, 2021
Same Lost Ways
Sometimes even this running away haunts me, For I am so lost that I don't know where to run, So I come back to the same path, That...

Dec 17, 2021
Unsolved Labyrinth
It's a labyrinth, All over again, The same one, I haven't solved yet. How did I even, Get stuck in, This labyrinth, Of suffering.

Dec 16, 2021
Knock over my shell, Wriggle me out of it, It's raining inside here, Show me where sunshine is.

Dec 15, 2021
Lost Myself
I've lost myself far too many times this year, Yet I've not lost the hope to find myself back. But each time I lose a piece of me, It...

Dec 14, 2021
Can You Hear Me?
If you heard me today, You couldn't hear anything I would say, For my voice is too tired to say anything, For does anyone hear it even?...

Dec 13, 2021
I Want To Ask
I care more after deciding to care less, What makes me this way, I want to ask. I talk more after deciding to talk less, What makes me...

Dec 12, 2021
Gather All My Words
Sometimes I want to gather all my words, Like fallen leaves in the garden, And pack them up for decomposition. The words tend to grow my...

Dec 11, 2021
Awake In The Wait
These nights, Keep me awake, In the wait, Of something, Until you arrive, With your dreams, Keeping me awake, In the wait, Of something,...

Dec 10, 2021
Today's Me and You
As I think of you, Randomly on an afternoon again, I also think about the version of me, And about how you made me feel, Just by being...

Dec 9, 2021
Scribbles Of Sweet Nothings
You aren't just holding me anymore, You're scribbling sweet nothings on my back, You say you're writing a poetry, The one I can forever...

Dec 8, 2021
Go, this is no place that leads your way, Go, I'm not the one who will stay, Go, I'll look for you today, Go, I'll wait for you everyday,...