
11 minutes ago
Magic Is Happening Again
It keeps happening again and again and again, And I'm not complaining, But, I am in awe, To see it happen, Every single time, The magic,...

1 day ago
Red Flowers
There were right there, On top of that tree, Those red flowers, Who called me from far away, And I beelined straight to them, Without...

2 days ago
Cirrus Skies
The wind in the sky, Bringing in the cirrus clouds from away, Decorating the blue roof, In its own pretty way, With a touch of crescent...

3 days ago
The Off-Beat Trail
I got drawn to a trail today, And up I go, Without thinking twice, To find peace instantly, Making me feel a little more alive. Then...

4 days ago
First Glimpse
When the sky is a certain colour, And the moon has been away for a day or two, It's first glimpse brings joy, The same way, The heart...

5 days ago
Proof Follows
Proof follows, It doesn't preceed, With every gut feeling, Manifesting in intuitions, A single thought, Becoming reality, Only for you to...

6 days ago
50% Potential
I often think, That if I'm this good, When I'm putting in less than 50% efforts, Then how great I could be if I put in 100% efforts....

Feb 26
Your Eyes
I look into your eyes, And see constellations, Twinkling with passion, Existing unapologetically, Loving endlessly, Blooming gracefully,...

Feb 25
I've been missing places I haven't been before, Right from the morning, I have imagined myself, Walking amidst the misty, cloudy, cobble...